Hi, my name is Nicole and I love learning, reading, being creative and spending time in nature. I am looking forward to co-facilitating the next Upakarma Yoga Teacher Training at Wymbin on January 28th-30th. I was fortunate to learn in past Upakarma and Vrddhi groups led by Jenna Galloway & Jess LeBlanc. Both sessions were rich with learning and connection, two of many beautiful reasons that make me feel very excited to be part of the Wymbin community.
My interest in movement began at an early age through my exploration of the performing arts. I was drawn to yoga as a means to create balance.
(Turns out balance will be a lifelong pursuit! :) )
Through my studies I have merged curiosity of yoga, movement, and science by completing a degree in kinesiology with a minor in dance from the University of Calgary and becoming an experienced yoga instructor (CYA-E-RYT 550, RCYT).
At this time I am busy with my family, teaching online through Phases Yoga (www.phasesyoga.com), in studios, adult community programs, school systems, and also adjudicating dance competitions across Canada. For the past year, I have been working on completing my Yoga Therapy certification through Mandorla Yoga Institute and am excited to finish this spring!
In my own experience, I have found that yoga can offer a pillar of support. I have been fortunate to learn from many individuals who have offered me guidance through significant times in my life. I look forward to learning alongside and supporting you in your own adventure.

What you are a part of when you join Upkarma YTT:
Becoming a RYT presents the opportunity to positively impact youth. When we share our support, students learn about themselves, how to understand and use their voice, how to meet challenges, and how to connect to the community.
One of the most precious gifts we can share is self-discovery and empowerment. These gifts turn into tools that allow for students to regulate and to make use of their own internal compass.
Each of us has our own set of patterns that settle into our bodies. Some of these patterns we seek to enhance such as joy, acceptance, and perseverance. Other influences such as tension, frustration, and anger may have adverse effects on our overall well-being.
The practice of yoga helps us discover and feel our internal balance. When students are empowered in this way they are able to understand their own needs and communicate.
Just as each person has been shaped through their own unique experiences, mindful support allows for the individual to explore their own nature and grow.
- Nicole Hopkins

Nicole Hopkins is the owner of Phases Yoga, experienced yoga instructor (CYA-E-RYT 550, RYCT), dance educator, creative and nature enthusiast with a background in Kinesiology (BKin, University of Calgary). Passionate about psychosomatic support and trauma informed practice, Nicole specializes in early childhood and adolescent development.
You can connect with Nicole on Instagram @phasesyoga or follow Nicole @nicoleh.creative
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